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Spring Break Productivity: Part 1

1 Apr

One of the nice parts about working in education is having school holidays.  So far, I am loving spring break; I have been getting so many things done!

Paint Magazine Racks with Chalkboard Paint- Done

 Do Something with Side Table- Done (kind of)
I am in the process of redecorating and I am not sure what color I want the table.  So, I sanded it and painted it white for now.  It will be easy to change later.  The two-tone red and aqua was starting to give me a headache.

Paint Lamp on Side Table- Done 
No pictures. Like the table, I have transformed it from eyesore to blank canvas.  All I need is some inspiration…

Book Rentals for Wedding- Half Done
I got to put together a sample table with one of my table runners and dishes and flowers…so exciting.  I still need to add the caterer’s supplies and sign the contract but I am mostly done with rentals.

I love crossing things off my list!

In Non-Wedding Craft News…

21 Feb

For the past few moths I have been working on a patchwork camera strap for Ethan’s Aunt “Chiggee.”  She got a new camera for Christmas and I thought a homemade camera strap would be a nice accessory.  I saw a similar project on one of the craft blogs I read, and thought I could figure out how to recreate it. I purchased a plain camera strap, took it apart and then made a patchwork strip that fit the dimensions of the original piece.  The hard part was attaching it to the leather tabs (that connect to the camera).  I was very nervous that my sewing would not be strong enough (I had this terrible vision of her brand new camera smashing to pieces on the ground because the strap didn’t hold).  So, I reinforced it with craft cement (the slightly classier version of duct tape). It was along process, but, after months of troubleshooting, it is finally finished!  I hope she likes it!

 Also, I finally ordered the fabric for my table runners.  I tried getting fabric in downtown L.A., but that did not go well.  It’s a long story and I will save it for another post.  According to the UPS tracking code for my order, the fabric left Doraville, GA at 3:42am on February 18th and should be in Santa Barbra on the 24th.  I am so excited!